Thursday, July 27, 2006


Well, 53 days until Mike and I head for Scotland. I seems like we have been packing all summer long and yet we still have more stuff to pack. At least we have a HUGE storage unit.
I am sad to say that our hamster, Hammy, died yesterday. His little eye infection had all cleared up and we changed his bedding to hamster friendly stuff (apparently cedar and pine bedding is deadly to them). He was doing great! We found out that he LOVED apples. He would go nuts over them. But, Mike came home from work last night and he had ceased living. So, we had a small hamster funeral over here last night.


the quists said...

Oh, sorry to hear about Hammy! I am not sure if he would have enjoyed a long flight anyway...
Love you!

Steve Philp said...

I saw a pig at a picnic that appeared to have died of apple ingestion once...

Keep away from the apples!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Hammy, but glad to hear I won't have to worry about hamster babies!