Monday, December 04, 2006

Those Snot Freezing Days

Mike and I were recently talking about winter. Over in Scotland, the winters are pretty mild. The people here complain about how cold it is, then we describe winters in Michigan. Forty degrees with rain all of a sudden does not sound so bad.
We really don't miss winter all that much. Sure its pretty, but its also frigid out, the driving sucks, it takes forever to dress to go out, etc, etc. Amazingly enough the only thing that we miss so far about winter are those snot freezing mornings. Its those mornings that you step outside and the entire contents of your nose instantly freezes. At times it ever hurts to breathe and you silently pray that your car will start. Or those mornings you step outside and realize the world is covered in ice. Its gorgeous outside with the sun sparkling off everything, but.. will I make it to work/school on time, and will I be in one piece? Will there be a snow day? Its these unpredictable moments caused by Jack Frost that we miss the most. Although, I am sure that by this time next year we will be part of the large crowd spouting expletives about it all.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, I know you must miss sliding down the road, praying at the stop sign the car will stop, walking from the car to where ever you might be headed and having the snow and the wind so strong that you fear to lift up your head to see where you are going and pray that you don't walk into anything or hit a patch of ice and land on your backside. I tell you 40 degrees and rain would be a blessing. Love to both of you. Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...

you better miss seeing me in my winter stuff also!!love mom

Anonymous said...

And what about the snowball fites your friend Kate