Well, to tell the truth when I found out a few months ago that I may not be able to work, I was kind of excited because I have not not worked since I was 16. I was also a bit apprehensive about it because I am not good at doing nothing. I know that being a housewife, or a stay at home mom, is a big job, but I have no kids to look after and I don’t have an extensive social calendar. We had found out that I could work a couple weeks into our stay here and it was up to me if I wanted to work and how much. I don’t have to work, our budget allows for that, but I have been going crazy at home. I of course go out and see the city, but there is only so much you can see and so many museums and historic landmarks you can see before they all start looking the same. So as of Wednesday, October 4 I am working for a temp agency here. I love it! I can work when I want to and don’t have to accept a job if I don’t want to. This week I will be working for an ad company called AdTrailers. It’s quiet interesting. It’s a small run company and since most people know she’s out of the office, I am allowed to bring a book and explore the internet at my leisure. Pretty much, I am excited to get out and do something.
Those ad trucks look just like the one in 40 Year Old Virgin!
Oh, and be careful surfing the 'net at work. We geeks can and DO check what you're surfing.
Leave it to my boy to point out haow dangerous it can be to check things out while you are working. Aunt Sue
I am excited for you! I know I was going nuts at home all the time. Oh, and I love the statue!
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