We were able to get back in plenty of time to see the annual lighting of the Christmas lights in Glasgow. Unfortunately, while we did have excellent weather all weekend, it only lasted until our last official 'tourist stop.' Then it started raining, and raining, and raining. But, we didn't want to miss out on 'an experience of a lifetime.' So, we raced back to our apartment, dropped off our bag, and raced back down to George Square to see the lighting of the Christmas lights. We didn't get there with tons of time to spare, but with the rain it felt like FOREVER before the lights were lit. There was also a spectacular fireworks display. It was odd to us that it was the fireworks even went off, since it was raining and the wind was blowing -- in Michigan, they would have been cancelled for sure! By the time we got home, all but our feet were soaked, but the fireworks were spectacular and the Christmas lights were beautiful. It will be nice to have the streets all lit up and decorated for a while.

At first I was going to rant about lighting of the Xmas tree before Thanksgiving even hits, but then...
Yeah, I caught the problem before I made an ass of myself.
well, maybe there is hope for all the rest of us then,
love mom
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