Today was a bit of a late start, so it was not nearly as full as Friday. Too many late nights had finally caught up with us! James and Julia were up and about much earlier than us for shopping. We had no interest, so we slept. The picture above is of Mike, James, and Justin in the courtyard of Trinity College before we ventured out for the day. The first stop was to the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology and History. It was really fascinating. They had bog men that were really well preserved. It was creepy looking at them as many of them had been severed in some way, but interesting all the same. The skin looked like leather, and there was even finger nails and hair still intact. They also had beautiful mummies, pots, metal objects, etc. It is definitely worth a walk through when visiting Dublin (and its free!).
After the museum, we came upon an open market. It was great to see all the fruits and veggies out and we even saw some we had never seen before. We decided to grab lunch there and I had the first burrito in 5 months. It was glorious.
The Christ Church Cathedral was next on the list. It was an amazing church to see. When we entered the church we were treated with a choir performance. There was a High School Choir from Naugatuck, Connecticut signing and they were phenomenal. The church itself was amazing as well. We were able to explore most of it, even the vaults.
On our way back to Trinity, we passed by Dublin Castle and decided to stop and see what it was. Its not a castle at all, but a bunch of town houses and important buildings all grouped together. (If you click on the link, it will tell you exactly what all the buildings are.) We didn't really have time to tour the State Apartments since James and Julia were leaving that evening, but we did have time for the Chester Beatty Library. It was well worth the time spent there. They have an incredible exhibit on old books of religion. They have beautifully decorated Bibles, Korans, Hindu texts, Buddhist texts, etc. It was wonderful to see all the artwork involved and learn about the significance and evolution of it. Unlike the Book of Kells, it was (1) not overloaded with tourists, (2) was a much bigger exhibit, and (3) was free for all who wish to see it. If you are planning a trip to Dublin, go there. Skip the overpriced Book of Kells, and go the the Chester Beatty Library. Not only is it free, but its a much, much, much better exhibit.
I have no idea what it is with men that makes them act like kids when you put them together. Last time we all hung out together, Justin and James were running up hills in a race, all three guys were throwing rocks into the ocean (we made a special sea side stop just for that), and none of them can say "no, I've had enough" when it comes to pints. But at least its entertaining, and hopefully keeps them young. This picture is of Justin and James chasing each other through the snake like maze outside the Chester Beatty Library. There were three little kids running through the park that thought it was great fun and started playing along with them trying to "freeze" them.
In the Chester Beatty Library there was a ... you'll never guess ... ROCK DISPENSER!! Mike, being the wonderful person he is, gave me a euro so that I could get some. I got four "spiritual" rocks to help me throughout my path in life. I cannot remember what they are for, I just think that they're pretty. I think that this is going to be my million dollar plan when we move back to the States. Rock vending machines. There has to be other nerds out there who love rocks who would love to spend their change on rocks! And think of the overhead... get a rock polisher and you're in business!

Think of how many Petoskey stones you had growing up. There MUST be money in it!
Tell me what the rocks are and I can probably tell you what their "mystical properties" are! The jewelry maker's catalog has all that info...
Mike's a heck of a guy, glad you married him!
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