Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Back from Orkney

Well, we are back from our five day trip to Orkney. It was absolutely beautiful and we only had one crappy day. The winds were so strong, small drops of rain felt like pelts hitting us. Not wonderful, but it was better than massive rain and thunder. We just stayed away from cliffs. I will post on all of that later.
Now we have gone all over - Spain, Dublin, Rome, London, England, and numerous cities in Scotland - and never had any problems with theft. We drive three hours north to Aberdeen, and the camera gets stolen. I was asleep most of the time from the affects of Dramamine, and Mike was enthralled with a book. We had thrown all of our stuff at our feet in our mad run onto the bus. When we got off the bus, it wasn't there. F*^$in people. We searched the bus, checked with lost property on the off shot that someone may have turned it in, but with no luck (neither Thursday nor today.) While it was a great camera to start with, the thing was three years old and on its last leg. The irritating part is we just bought a new 2GB memory card for it and a tripod. At least both of them together cost less than $40.
So after frantically searching to no avail, we brainstormed options. (1) Go on vacation with no camera and just take "mental pictures" of Stone Age relics. (2) Buy disposable cameras and pay to have to film developed. (3) Buy a regular camera, buy film, and then pay to develop the film. Or (4) buy an inexpensive digital camera and memory card. In our 4 1/2 days in Rome, we took about 650 pictures. We went out to buy a new digital camera. We got a spectacular camera and another 2 GB memory card, AND it was all on sale! After a day of feeling very guilty - and stupid - (I was technically the last to touch the camera), we both got over it since our new camera is so spectacular. Like I said, the old one was three years old, and buttons were starting to stall at times. We would have had to replace it anyways, we were just hoping to pay for it in the States, where it would have been that much cheaper.
Now the only thing to feel guitly about is the fact that the old camera was a Christmas gift of Mike's... opps...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you had a great time, and glad you are home. I am also glad you now have an awesome camera as we all know how you love to take pictures..love Mom