Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ah... the NEDS

An amazing thing happened. Someone other than Mom, Becky and Steve read this blog. Someone I have never met before, and not just so that they could tell me I was an idiot, read this page. Besides for that one person, and this new person, it has only happened once before. And that was just because the person Googled themselves. So, naturally, I was amazed that I could write anything that someone other than one of my family members would read. ANYWAY, this person gave me a link to a hilarious audio clip of the Neds that populate our area. (Non Educated Delinquent). The clip is hilarious and further evidence of why at times we nod and smile when people talk to us. Although we rarely talk to the Neds, they do hang out in the park in front of our apartment on nice days, drinking their brain cells away, more than likely smoking some illegal substance, and peeing all over the benches. Its classy. Inevitably the Police are called, and last time one was belligerent enough to be carted away... at least they provide entertainment.
Either way, here is the clip - We could even decipher parts of it! (Just a forewarning -- do not listen to it if you are going to try to understand it and can be easily offended. Oh... and over here, 'fanny' is not another word for behind. Lets just say its not a nice word.)


Anonymous said...

trisha, can you fix the link please, I am anxious to here it, but I just get the stupid people mom

Trish said...

Opps... wrote this late (for me) last night... the CORRECT link is now there.

Anonymous said...

Trisha, I read your blog every day on my lunch 1/2hr. I find it very entertaining and think that you should contact a travel channel and get sponsored! You are very good at letting us feel as if we are there with you and it makes me miss your smiling face just a little bit less...maybe! Can't wait for you to get home and see (a fraction) of all your travel pictures. By the by, sorry to hear about your camera!
Love Aunt Sally
PS Emmy sends her love!

Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo, I know that Wayland is looking for teachers...lots of retirees. the addy is, I don't know if it will help or not. Sure miss seeing you. Keep safe, loads of love, Aunt Sue