Philmari was up next. They are a married couple from Loch Lomand (north of Glasgow) and have of so creatively combined their first names to make a band name. Phil was a vocalist and guitar player while Mari was a vocalist and played the tambourine. Phil was a great guitar player and his singing was quite nice. Mari on the other hand could have been left at home and nothing would have been missing. She has a lovely voice, but does an odd wavering thing (which Mike calls vibrato) with her voice, and I don't like it. If she stops, she should be allowed back in Philmari.
Seylan Baxter and Cheyanne Brown were wonderful. Seylan was the vocalist and played the cello, while Cheyanne (from Alaska!) played the Scottish harp. Oddly enough, Cheyanne had no idea what the name of the music was called that they were playing, but she played beautifully. We are pretty sure that some of the songs were sung in Gaelic (which makes sense why Cheyanne was having problems remembering the names). Either way, they are both really talented.
The next to play was Jill Leighton, who is living Glasgow right now. She plays the guitar beautifully and she was great at the harmonica. I have no idea how people can play the guitar, and the harmonica and still remember what they are doing and to stop playing the harmonica and sing. I am in awe of people like her. She has a beautiful voice, but I am just not sure of her lyrics. Maybe its just that I didn't understand them, but who knows, you can decide for yourself.
The last to play for the night was a Scottish Celtic Progressive Rock Band called Aroora. (Unfortunately I cannot find a link to the band website, but I do have video clips for anyone interested.) We were a little apprehensive at first since we saw drums, a guitar, a bass guitar, fiddle, bagpipes, and flute like instrument. We were really amazed by the band though. I am not a huge fan of heavy metal bands, I like them but have to be in the right mood to listen to them. I liked their music a lot; it was interesting to hear the rock music with traditional Celtic instruments, and the bass guitar player was phenomenal. Even Mike who is more analytical of the guitar players than I am (since he plays the guitar) liked this guy.
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