But along with the wonderful music comes screaming children. The Kelvingrove is a wonderful place, not only for tourists but Glaswegians themselves. Everyone who has grown up in the Greater Glasgow area has been there and as an adult can remember going there as a wee child. Therefore, they feel its important for their children to go there as a wee child and hear the organ series. Now I'm all for exposing your children to new and exciting cultural events, but when Johnny/Jane is running through the halls and galleries, hiding under tables or just plain screaming his/her head off, I cross the line. Johnny/Jane is then not ready for this experience and needs to be brought back next year. Hopefully as the winter progresses all the parents of the wee children will leave their children at home and the rest of us can truly enjoy the concert.
ahhhhh,we'll see what you say when the wee child is yours...sometimes children don't appreciate all the trouble their mother's go to to bring them culture but they eventually do if you perservere through the screaming ages.
Love Mom
I'm in favor of beating your child in a situation such as this... Just kidding! Not actual abuse, but a swat on the rear goes a long way. When you have little ones, remember to hold to the rules and demand that they behave in public!! Grabbing their arm and wispering threats in their ear is permissible, after all!! Mom's was "I'll rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump!!" we knew she wasn't serious, after all. The key is be their parent first, friend second.
What ever happened to the "Leave It To Beaver" era where kids were seen and not heard? Heck, Wally and The Beav had to go straight to their room as soon as they entered the house!
When Lynn and I went to Disney World (Land? I dunno, the one in Florida) last year, we spent most of our time laughing about all of the crying kids in "The Happiest Place on Earth!".
Every time we hit one of the bathrooms, we'd come out with another great story about a mom or dad telling their kids, through gritted teeth, "You're going to quit crying and have fun. Right now."
Anyway, it made me happy. And served as one more reminder that Lynn and I do better as Aunts and Uncles than parents. :)
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